Department members
Ms. Martin and Ms. Burns
Art provides the opportunity for all students to express their own uniqueness and creativity in their own individual way, creating artefacts and pieces of artwork through three disciplines as they learn. Students also develop an art language vocabulary, and this is strengthened by their study of Visual Studies and Art Appreciation at Senior Cycle.
Student sampling
1st year students at Inver college get the opportunity to sample art at junior cycle as a subject during the month of September. TY students get the opportunity to sample art at senior cycle for 7-8 weeks throughout the academic year. Students who did not study Art at Junior Cycle have the opportunity to study it for Senior Cycle. However, they will need to have the following;
an interest and motivation to work independently on their own ideas.
the ability and enthusiasm to collaborate with others on group projects.
a good level of artistic ability.
a willingness to experiment with new and different ways of working and thinking.
Junior Cycle Visual Art
Students focus on the three interdependent strands of Art, Craft and Design. Each strand involves a different way of analysing and thinking;
Art emphasises ideas, feeling and the visual qualities and responses.
Craft emphasises the correct use of tools, skills, and materials.
Design emphasises planning, problem solving and completion, using drawing as a means of thinking.
The benefits of an education in Visual Art for the students here in Inver College, extend far beyond a competence in the subject itself. This subject develops a number of important personal qualities, particularly those of initiative, sensibility and self-reliance.
Visual Art at Junior Cycle aims to provide the students with a set of personal attitudes and qualities as well as skills and processes and a sense of aesthetic.
From 1st year to 3rd year, students explore a variety of materials and techniques to enhance their drawing skills from primary sources, both physically and conceptually. There is a focus on the development of ideas and skills, concepts, and practice. Students use a sketchbook to aid them with this process. New techniques and crafts are introduced to all classes including, lino printing, mixed-media, textiles, 3D modelling, graphic design, and clay modelling. Every project is supported with research of artists’ work to explore, reference, and inspire the students in their own work.
Visual Art in Junior Cycle is a practical subject. The assessment of Visual Art comprises of two Classroom-Based Assessments, one in 2nd year and one in 3rd year.
CBA1 = From process to realisation
CBA2 = Communicate and reflect.
There is no written exam as there are in other subject areas, instead, students complete a project in Year 3 (Final Assessment). This project is centred around a theme which is presented to them in early September of their 3rd Year. The project will be assessed by the State Exams Commission.

Senior Cycle Art
Leaving Certificate Art in Inver College aims to develop students' knowledge, skills, understanding and values needed to bring an idea to realisation. The strands of research, create and respond is carried out within their own work and the work of others in a happy and positive environment.

Students build on the skills they have developed in the Junior Cycle course and in TY. Visual Studies (Art History) is introduced in 5th year, and it covers the study of the European and Irish art and general appreciation of Art and Design in the environment. The components of assessment include:
Practical coursework (ten-week project) a practical examination (5-hour exam in April) and a written examination (2 and a half hour exam in June). Assessment for art as a whole subject is assessed at two levels – Ordinary level and Higher level.

The Leaving Certificate art project commences each year at the beginning of January in sixth year. The project comprises of a choice of one of the following: an Imaginative Composition, a still life drawing or painting, or a design/Craftwork piece. It is executed as a coursework over ten weeks during the timetabled Art classes.
Each component is administered and assessed by the State Examinations Commission (SEC). Work for the practical coursework and the practical examination is based on the same stimulus.
All components of assessment reflect the relationship between the application of skills and the theoretical content of the specification.

Careers in Art
Many job opportunities can arise from studying Art, Craft and Design for Leaving Certificate. Students may wish to study Art for their own interest, or they may explore the potential of creating an Art portfolio and study Art & Design or a related subject at third level. Guidance can be offered to students who wish to create an art portfolio for art college in 5th and/or 6th year.
Many students who have studied Art at Senior Cycle have been very successful over the years and have developed careers from the skills and abilities they have developed in the Art Class. Students may choose a career path where Art is desirable to have as a creative subject.
Careers in Art include; advertising, product designer, interior designer, textile designer, graphic designer, fashion designer, web designer, ceramicist, marketing, illustrator, painter and architect.